Serenity Place - Apartment Living in Dallas, TX
Welcome to Serenity Place
3124 S Denley Drive Dallas, TX 75216P: 214-375-2151 TTY: 711
F: 214-375-2166
Office Hours
Monday, Tuesday and Thursday: 9:30 AM to 2:30 PM. Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday: Closed.
Discover your next home at Serenity Place in Dallas. Located at 3124 S Denley Dr in Dallas, this community is an ideal place to move. Please call or visit during office hours for qualifying criteria.
Contact Us
Come in
and say hi
3124 S Denley Drive
Phone Number:
TTY: 711
Fax: 214-375-2166
Office Hours
Monday, Tuesday and Thursday: 9:30 AM to 2:30 PM. Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday: Closed.